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How to build a stepper motor driver?

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How to build a stepper motor driver?

2023-02-09 10:41:28

Stepper motors are a type of motor that can be used to accurately control the movement of a load. These motors are often used in robotics and other precision control applications. In order to control a stepper motor, you will need a stepper motor driver. In this article, we will go over the steps to build a stepper motor driver using readily available components.

What is a Stepper Motor?

A stepper motor is a type of electric motor that can be used to accurately control the movement of a load. Unlike a regular electric motor, which rotates continuously when a voltage is applied, a stepper motor rotates in discrete steps, allowing for precise control over the position of the load. Stepper motors are commonly used in robotics, CNC machines, and other applications where precise control is required.

Why Do I Need a Stepper Motor Driver?

In order to control a stepper motor, you will need a stepper motor driver. The driver is essentially an electronic circuit that is used to power the stepper motor and control its movement. Without a driver, you will not be able to control the stepper motor accurately.

How to Build a Stepper Motor Driver

To build a stepper motor driver, you will need A microcontroller, a stepper motor, an H-bridge motor driver, various jumper wires and a breadboard, then you can start your work according to the following steps.

  1. Start by connecting the H-bridge motor driver to your breadboard. The H-bridge motor driver will have four control inputs (labeled IN1, IN2, IN3, and IN4) and four power inputs (labeled VCC, GND, V1, and V2).
  2. Next, connect your stepper motor to the H-bridge motor driver. Each phase of the stepper motor will need to be connected to one of the power inputs on the H-bridge (V1 and V2). Make sure to connect the wires correctly, as reversing the polarity of the stepper motor can damage the driver and the motor.
  3. Once the stepper motor is connected, you can connect the control inputs of the H-bridge to the microcontroller. The control inputs on the H-bridge will need to be connected to digital output pins on the microcontroller.
  4. Next, you will need to write a program for your microcontroller to control the stepper motor. This will involve setting the appropriate pins on the microcontroller to high or low in order to control the movement of the stepper motor. There are many resources available online that can help you write this program.
  5. Finally, you can test your stepper motor driver by running your program and observing the movement of the stepper motor. If everything is working correctly, you should be able to control the position of the stepper motor accurately.


Building a stepper motor driver is a relatively simple project that can be done using readily available components. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can build a driver that will allow you to accurately control the movement of a stepper motor. This can be a useful skill to have in robotics and other precision control applications.

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