Home / The 134th Canton Fair: Looking forward to meeting you next time!

The 134th Canton Fair: Looking forward to meeting you next time!

2023-10-20 17:21:46

This year's Canton Fair opened on October 15th in Guangzhou. The event gathered tens of thousands of exhibitors, the total exhibition area expanded to 1.55 million square meters, the total number of booths reached 72,000.


Lunyee mainly displayed electric motorcycles, electric bicycles, electric scooters, hub motors, and rear axle kit products. Among them, the most attractive ones at the show were Lunyee's ET electric motorcycle and LYM-02 electric motorcycle, which received a lot of attention due to their handsome appearance, innovative design, and unique shape.

Booth effect

The Lunyee booth was always crowded with interested visitors. Our team always welcomes every visitor and explains the product features in detail. We also provide customized solutions according to user needs. During the period, we reached preliminary cooperation intentions with several partners.


In this exhibition, Lunyee not only communicated with many people in the industry but also exchanged ideas with friends from other industries and strived to provide more quality solutions for more industry partners in the future. This exhibition has brought us a lot of opportunities. We will continue to research and develop innovative products to return the support of our customers. We are looking forward to the Canton Fair next year to create another success!

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