Home / Sales case: AC motors for textile machines

Sales case: AC motors for textile machines

2023-01-31 17:37:11

Part I: Customer requirements

In March 2022, a customer from India, Rahul srivastva, asked for information about AC motors through the website of Lunyee. During our subsequent communication with Rahul, we learned that he was in the textile industry and that their company was mainly engaged in the production of fabrics. They had been using motors from well-known brands, but due to the high cost of the motors, the company was recently looking for a similar replacement to replace the motors they had been using in order to save money.

Part II: Required Products

In March 2022, a customer from India, Rahulsrivastva, asked for information about AC motors through the Lunye website. During the subsequent communication with Rahul we learned that he is in the textile industry and their company is mainly in the production of fabrics. They had been using motors from a well-known brand, but the high cost of the motors had limited the company's budget and reduced its profitability.

Part III: Engraving machine selection

After understanding the parameters of Rahul's previously used motors, we recommended the cycloidal series of geared motors to Rahul, a series of motors that fully met their company's requirements in terms of parameters. In addition, this motor is small, light and has a high transmission efficiency. Motors with high transmission efficiency use less energy to produce the same amount of mechanical output, thus reducing energy costs. It also generates less heat and mechanical stress, thus increasing reliability and extending service life.

Part IV: Customer Evaluation

We contacted the factory to pack and ship the product as soon as we received Rahul's order, and it was safely delivered to him within the agreed time frame. After receiving the motor, Rahul immediately installed it on the company's machine and tested it. After the test, he found that our motor was a good match for the machine, stable in performance and very quiet, and could completely replace the original motor. He said that our motors are affordable and have made a great contribution to the company's cost cutting, and they have invested the extra budget in R&D, and they will produce more competitive textiles in the future. He said he would recommend our products to his partners.

Part V: Other Applications

AC motors are widely used in industrial production, commercial and residential markets. In addition to powering a variety of industrial machinery in industrial production, AC motors can be used to drive conveyor belts in factories, airports, and other industrial environments for electric vehicles. Even many of life's household appliances, such as washing machines and refrigerators, also use AC motors.

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